Fourth Day As An Engaged Woman

I love this engaged thing. It’s weird to be a girl and dream about it your whole life and have it happen. It still seems like it hasn’t really happened. I just think about the wedding day and how that is another thing I have dreamed about my whole life. I have always wondered what my husband would look like and when I would meet him and marry him. Now I know! That makes me giddy. I get to spend the rest of my life with James Freeeederick Braam!! If you couldn’t tell… I am really excited!
Last night some of my girls took me out to celebrate. We went down the road to Cheers where it was Karoke night… man oh man. Some people really get into it. Michele bought me a wedding planner (thank you!!) and a book on how not to get overwhelmed with wedding planning.
Jim and I are meeting with a mortgage guy this afternoon and then we are seeing a house in Jenison tonight. We think it may need some updating inside, but I am really excited to see it.
The Friday it’s off to Whitehall/Montague for a spa day with bride Erin! I am getting my first manicure and pedicure (perfect timing!) I am excited to spend time with all the girls. I don’t get to see them much anymore, so this time will be really fun. Friday night is the rehearsal and dinner. Then Saturday is the big day!! After 7 years of dating, the day is finally here! Waaa-hooo!!
I also to get to see my parents for the first time since Jim and I got engaged. They haven’t seen the ring in real life yet. Mom… are you going to cry? ($1000… yes… any takers? C’mon… I need wedding money!! 🙂 Mom and Dad… we need to start losing all emotion so that we aren’t complete wrecks on May 20, 2006. We have 9 months, so let’s get started 🙂 Just kidding!!

Well… back to solving the IT problems of Mars Hill Bible Church. Have a great weekend!


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