Just call me a Pharisee

Well… I am a hypocrite. I always get on people for not updating their blogs and look at me… haven’t updated in almost two weeks. Unacceptable! I will beg for forgiveness by offering these:

I have the complete set up on our website. Check it out!

Work for Jim and I has been really busy lately. I think I have spent more time away from desk than at it over the past week. Which is good because that means I am usually walking to the other side of the building 10 or more times, which is really good exercise!

Jim and I finally tackled our leaves last Saturday. Three hours and 20 yard waste bags later (not kidding!), our yard contained a few less leaves. And then… the wind and rain came and you couldn’t see the grass. Eh well… I think pretty much all of our leaves are down. Here I must add how excited I am that snow hasn’t covered our grass yet! It’s almost the middle of November and it hasn’t snowed yet. Woo-hoo!

Jim and I are going to tackle the unknown world of gift registry soon. I have convinced him of registering at Sears (mostly for him) and then at least setting up the ones at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Hopefully, we will start that tomorrow. I confirmed our date with the florist today. The only real flowers we are getting are my bouquet, Jim’s, the Moms and Grandmas. We are doing roses for the Moms and Gmoms and fake roses just don’t cut it. I found awesome looking calla lillies for everyone else. I also started calling DJ’s. This makes me nervous. You don’t really know what you are getting unless you have seen them before or know someone who had them. I haven’t run into that yet. And… they are pretty expensive… and I want one that will play only the music I ask and will be able to MC the reception. Pray that I find the right DJ, which sounds funny, but I want someone who’s fun and entertaining, but doesn’t need alcohol or crappy music to do it.

Upcoming events: Tomorrow: 6 months until I become Mrs Braam 🙂 Less that one: I turn 23… Two weeks: Thanksgiving!

Enjoy the weekend!

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