April showers… bring May weddings

So, I know I haven’t updated in a while. It’s for good reasons… see Jim and I have this thing called a “wedding” coming up. It’s actually one month from tomorrow. This “wedding” thing is taking up a lot of our time and energy. I’ve had two bridal showers so far… with 4 to go. I have had meetings with the florist, the seamstress, my veil-maker, and my hair dresser. We still have to meet with the photographer, the DJ, the cake maker, the caterers, and our pastor. I can’t believe it came up this fast! Where has the time gone? Not that I am complaining… I get to be a wife in 30 days!
Jim and his Dad took down the remaining 100 foot pine tree in our backyard on Saturday. I got to go to a log cabin in the woods and open lots of presents and eat food 🙂 It’s hard being a bride… Our yard looks so much more open and friendly now. Good ridance dang pine trees! I will post pictures of it soon.
Easter is this Sunday. It also the end of the season of Lent. Our church has been walking through the season of Lent, not in the traditional Catholic way, as a way to salvation. It’s more of a learning experience or exercise. A way to learn about the different aspects of Jesus and his power. You should listen to the teachings here . It’s been a real learning time for me. I have really enjoyed it. And we get to remember His death this Friday and celebrate His resurrection this Sunday!! Woo-hoo! And on a slightly less spiritual note… it’s going to be on the 70s on Easter Sunday. When does that happen??? It’s always so cold. Hallelujah!
I am hoping it stays warm for May 12th also. I have been checking out the Farmer’s Almanac website because they forecast temps a few months ahead. Here’s the forecast for May 8th-11th: Scattered thunderstorms. May 12th-15th: Mixed clouds and sun. Oooh booy! Hopefully those thunderstorms stay in the 11th 🙂

Have a good week!

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