The only good thing…

about the weather turning colder is that I can now…

..:add hot chocolate mix to my coffee because they will start keeping it in the kitchen again (I could just buy my own, but then I would use it too much)

..:eat candy corn for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (then get sick)

..:wear the sweaters that have been sitting in my closet for months

..:have an excuse for wearing the soo comfy sweatpants that make me look like I have no butt

..:have someone to keep me warm and have an excuse to make him keep me warm

the only issue is that it’s suppose to be warm again this weekend, so maybe all this will have to hold off for a bit… nah.

This last weekend was Celebration on the Grand and the Hispanic Festival downtown. Jim and I treated ourselves to quesadillas and burritos on Friday night. Yum, yum! The fireworks were supposed to be on Friday night, but were postponed because a humongous thunderstorm came through. So sweet!

So we ventured out again Saturday night for the fireworks, which unfortunately were less than stellar. But it was a good time with friends and I got a free Skinny Skinny Mocha Mocha from Beaner’s out of it! That’s another reason I will allow it to turn cold…

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4 thoughts on “The only good thing…

  1. i don’t want to say i’m the catch of the houghteling offsprings’s collective litters…but i just did. i hope counseling can salvage what’s left of your marriage. if not, jim can bunk with me…at my parent’s house. hmm…

    hey we need to have a cousins (& spouses) get-together again.

  2. Its from Friends when Joey is eating Monica’s homemade jam in the coffee shop, and he is reminincing about eating jam as a kid, and how good it made him feel, and all the wonderful things about jam…and Rachel smoothes his hair down and just says…”you’re so pretty.” Your post made me think about that. hehehe…

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