Yard work galore…

Well, I got the nasty hate-my-life cold last Sunday (April 22). You would think I would be over it now. Nope. I still have it. It’s not nearly as bad as it was, meaning I can actually sleep in my bed now, instead of on the couch in a propped up position. Usually colds aren’t that horrible, but this one is nasty and it sticks in your lungs… and here’s the worst part: I have not been able to run nearly as much as I should be. The Riverbank Run is next Saturday! Monday morning and this morning, I was able to run about 1.75 miles in 20 minutes. That’s just over half of what I have to run in less than ten days and I want to keep my time under 30 minutes for the whole thing. So frustrating. I was really hoping this year I was going to have a good time. Bah!

In other news, Jim and I gave our yard an “extreme makeover.” We spent nearly seven hours two Saturdays ago (day before the cold hit… hmmm maybe there’s a connection?) raking out old bark, pulling out 30 year old bushes and removing a country-hick half-of-a-picket fence that used to adorn our front yard. We removed most of everything and raked it down to the dirt. We had like 3 people tell us it looked so good! It really was just grass, dirt and some remaining plants. Did it really look so bad before? Apparently! This last weekend we bought some flowers and added those. We are getting some bark soon and then it should be done. Woo-hoo!

I must be in a yard-grooming mood lately because last night I tackled the lawn with the lawn mower for the first time this year. Well, let’s just say the rain and some fertilizer Jim spread a week ago really helped that grass grow. People! Our grass was at least 6-8 inches tall in some places. It was ridiculous. I clogged up the mower twice and then after I had mowed the front yard, I had to rake up the grass that was left over. Yeah, we don’t have a bag for the mower. So, it took me over an hour and a half to mow, rake, clean-up our front lawn. Jim is tackling the back yard tonight. Moo-ha-ha.

So other than yard work, colds, and a lack of running work has been keeping me busy. We finally had our new T1 Internet line installed yesterday. So nice! However, I had to block people from streaming video and music so we can keep it fast. I wasn’t too popular after that email went out.

Our one year anniversary is also on May 12th! After the run we are heading up to the Grand Traverse Bay Resort for a few days of r&r… mmm. Sounds good to me!

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