Birthday Boy

Jim’s birthday was yesterday, June 17. He turned the big 2-7. He said he really enjoyed his birthday. We went to the 9 o’clock service and heard Ed Dobson speak. He is so good and still has so much energy. He spoke on forgiveness, which is something we hear about a lot, but his way of explaining it, brings a new and refreshing light to it. The free download of the teaching will be here after Tuesday, if you want to take a listen.
Then we headed to Holland State Park and met his family for lunch. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the water and on the beach. Josh and Michele also joined us. Apparently the sun blocked my ability to have any common sense, because I didn’t use much sunscreen and well… we were out in the sun for at least 4 hours. I also fell asleep on my stomach. I am in a little (lot) of pain today. I am so dumb…

So, it was a good day in all. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and I think he’s pretty cute, too. Hope year 27 is a good one. 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Birthday Boy

  1. wow…i didn’t realize he was 27! i mean…he looks…younger. happy birthday, jim!

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