A few of my favorite things…

I decided to create a list of my current favorite things (there are subject to change).

  • Mapmyrun.com – comes in handy for keeping tracking of your runs. You can map out runs and figure out the distance and it will track the calories you burn and your average rate.
  • DVR – So, Jim and I are semi-addicted to TV. DVR is helping to feed the habit. Monday it’s Big Bang Theory, Heroes, Chuck and 24. Tuesday is Biggest Loser (just for me). Wednesday is Lost (of course). Thursday is The Office, 30 Rock and CSI. Isn’t that ridiculous?!?!
  • Stonyfield Farm Organic Fat Free French Vanilla yogurt – YUM! I buy it in the big 32 oz containers and even though it’s good for you, I am sure if I were to eat the whole thing in one sitting it probably wouldn’t be the best idea.
  • Wheel of Fortune – another TV show (darn!). Yes, I am a member of the Wheel Watcher’s Club and Yes, I have a Spin ID. I may have applied to go on the show. This may be my plan to pay off my student loans. I will keep you updated on this one. (Yes. Your “nerd alert” is going off.)
  • Tax returns – Getting a good return this year!!

This concludes today’s list of my current favorite things.

2 thoughts on “A few of my favorite things…

  1. I hear ya on DVR (or DDR, what I called it until just a few weeks ago. ha!)
    monday – the city and jon/kate+8 (sad but true)
    wed – Lost
    Thurs – Greys, private practice, office and 30rock
    Sat – SNL
    AND everyday…OC and 1 tree hill. I’m addicted too!

  2. Hey guess who else are nerds? Dad and I spin the wheel too every night. Who knows we might win a trip. Mom B

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