It’s so cold, my snot is freezing…

Thank you for the comments. They were wonderful. Except for one… you know who you are 🙂 Just kidding! It’s true… I should update more.
Yesterday was Jim and I’s one year and four month mark. Then Monday will be only 5 months until the wedding!! Such good dates!!
Well… my wonderful gem surprised me on Monday. We had been talking about getting treadmill. Mostly for me, but Jim would use it sometimes too. We decided to wait until after New Year’s because people make their resolutions then and want to start losing the holiday “insulation” they put on and so the treadmills would probably be cheaper. Well, Jim bought one Monday night when I was at a party and had it mostly set up by the time I got home! Soooo in love with him. It’s a really nice one and now I can run indoors and attempt to stay in shape. Wa-hoo!!
Now about this weather… how can it be so flippin cold?? When I came into work today, my little WZZM13 On Target Weather Desktop temperature gauge 🙂 said it was 4 degrees. Now it’s up to a sweltering 7 degrees. Of course, our office has been having heating issues lately. It’s only 64 degrees in here and we are by the doors so when those get opened… Hurricane Camille comes up the stairs and into my office… with her freezing temps. But, this morning, facilities bought a space heater for my office. I have that baby on 80 degrees. I don’t have to wear my coat at my desk today!!
I am taking Monday off to accomplish my Christmas shopping. I haven’t done any yet! Have a good Thursday!

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