Motorcycle riding gypsies

So my sister Andrea is living with me for the summer and works at Bed, Bath & Beyond on 28th Street. Last night she had to work the 5-11 shift. You may ask, “”B, B & B is open until 11??” I would answer with, “No.” They restock and straighten the shelves after they close at 9. Anywho, I spent some time with Jim last night and got in around 11:15ish. I talked with my roommate April for a while and it was about 11:45 and Andrea wasn’t home yet. I thought it was weird, but maybe she stopped at Taco Bell or something. Well… 12:30 rolled around and I had already called her cell phone 3 times… no answer. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Andrew was leaving me IM messages asking about her and getting worried because she hadn’t called him yet. So I waited for her to call and called a few more times…. nothing. I watched Jay Leno… and then Conan O’Brien… still nothing… then I fell asleep. See, I was going to give her until 1:30 and then I would drive to B, B & B and look for her car. Then, I was trying to figure out how long I should wait until I called the police. I was going over in my head what the different scenarios could be. Did she run out of gas and did her cell phone die? Was she abducted by a crazy B, B & B fanatic? Did she run off with some motorcycle riding gypsies? Did a shelf of bathroom accessories fall and trap her underneath and not allowing her coworkers to see her? 🙂 So… anway I had fallen asleep and April woke me up at 1:15 and told me that she was still wasn’t home…. so I gave her another call… nothing. I was getting real sick of her voicemail. So I told April that I was going to drive there. I was about to get up and my phone rang… it was Andrea. Apparently, they had a huge amount of merchandise come in and they had to take care of it. I asked if she could have called or something. She said she probably should have (probably????). All this to say, that I realized that I am going to be the most worrisome mother. I will probably give myself a heart attack or something when they go on their first date…. well… at least I have a while to work on it… Jim is just probably going to have to have a ready supply of paper bags or strong drugs…

On a happier note… it’s July 4th weekend!!! Food, fireworks, beach, and laziness? Count me in! Hope you all have a great holiday!

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