Grapefruits for eyelids

We survived another year at the Leaders’ Retreat! This was my fourth and Jim’s second. For me, this was the best one yet. It was a tad cold, but we played indoors mostly. They added a game room this year, with a coffee/drink shop that’s attached to the gym. So nice! Michele, Sarah, and I took part in several games of HORSE and PIG. I will say that I did indeed win. How that happened… I don’t know. Jim played some basketball with the big boys, but didn’t have his ankle guard. So, yes, he turned his ankle again. It doesn’t seem to be too bad, though.

Saturday afternoon, since it was rainy and cold, Mega Box Wars was cancelled for the first time ever! If you don’t know what Mega Box Wars is, refer to the October 10, 2005 post. I have to say, I wasn’t too torn up. It’s fun and all, but I don’t have fun in cold weather. So, Michele, Sarah, and I entered in a ping pong tournament. I didn’t win that one, well none of us did. I played the second place guy for my second game. I couldn’t even return his server. He was a-mazing! Dang it… I hate losing. So, after we lost, we headed to the gym for volleyball. Always a good time!

This weekend was more than just playing, though. We had really good sessions and times with the other leaders. Saturday night was especially good. It brought a lot to my attention. The kind of stuff that makes you weep uncontrollably. Then you wake up with eyelids the size of grapefruits… yeah. Good personal healing, but not good eyelid healing.

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4 thoughts on “Grapefruits for eyelids

  1. lemme just say that i miss my favorite brother and favorite sister-in-law something terrible!! i got so excited when jim walked in the door on tuesday, but too bad it wasn’t for long

  2. Sounds like we need a family get together. Hope to see you at Friday nite football.
    Love ya Mom B.

  3. Hi Wendy!!!
    I love u so much! And i miss u so much! That’s a good idea to go out with us sisters sometime. Oh yeah, and there is a new potential boy in my life right now whom is absolutely amazing! I’m so excited!

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